Starship Full-Stack and Inspiration4 astronaut Sian Proctor visits Starbase

In this debut “Road to Mars” episode, relive the exhilarating moment when Starship was fully-stacked at the Orbital Launch Tower for the first time. Learn from Inspiration4 astronaut, Dr. Sian Proctor, what it’s like to train for her upcoming flight to orbit on a SpaceX Crew Dragon, and what she thought of her time in Starbase. And, bask in the magic of Starship and horses.


A series by Cosmic Perspective

In the new “Road to Mars” series, you’ll learn what it’s like to live near Starbase, SpaceX’s Starship launch facility, as Cosmic Perspective co-founders, Ryan Chylinski and MaryLiz Bender, take you on their personal journey as they document and archive these special spaceflight moments for future generations through film. Each episode connects you to the community of the new space era through personal stories and interviews with the people making our space age a reality.
New episodes released each month.
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Promotional Images

Road to Mars series poster
Starship the road to mars
Road to Mars episode 1
Ryan filming Starship

Telling the story of the new space age

For several years, we’ve documented hundreds of rocket launches, interviewed astronauts and the scientists and engineers making today’s new space age a reality. We’re driven and reverent for this work: To inspire excitement for the future, unify through awe and wonder, and to archive for history what it is like to live in this time as humanity takes its first steps into the Cosmos.

Show Creators

MaryLiz Starship

MaryLiz Bender​

MaryLiz is a Creative Storyteller—a musician, artist, technologist, programmer, and explorer— passionate to tell the invigorating story of human space exploration and the ways it transforms.
Ryan Chylinski

Ryan Chylinski

With a deep love and technical skill for film, photography and storytelling, Ryan has spent years showcasing humanity’s astounding achievements through story, film, and immersive experience.
